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BREAKING NEWS!!!  - Rhyno Athletics in now partnered with Bowhunting and Fitness.  For diet and exercise plans, below!!


If you are looking at losing weight, competing, gaining strength, increasing your endurance, or just to feel better and lead a healthier life, we are here to help you achieve your fitness goal.  We offer various services that you can see listed below. 


We also understand that life can be busy; people have different schedules and needs and we take those under considerations and you get a custom tailored program specifically for you.


So whether you want to build muscle, lose weight, improve your strength, or increase your endurance, eating the right foods and exercising is a must.  Supplements complement a good exercise and meal plan and will suggest those in the programs as well.  There are few things people need to do in order to achieve their fitness goals and we here at Bowhunting & Fitness believe the most important things to remember are:


Get a Plan, Stay Dedicated & Pound Away!!!!


  1. Pick out a meal Plan (below)

  2. Fill out the Questionnaire (under the Training & Meal Plan Prices)

  3. Hit Submit on the form



Meal Plan Only: $75 (4-week plan)

  • Initial assessment

  • Based on your goals, an individual meal plan is created (will provide supplementation plans as well)

  • Unlimited email communication

Training Only: $75 (4-week plan)

  • Initial assessment

  • A program including weight and cardiovascular training tailored to your individual goals/needs (I.E. strength, weight loss, endurance, etc...)

  • Unlimited Email correspondence

Training & Meal Planning: $125 (4-week plan)

  • Initial assessment

  • An all encompassing program (including Weight training, Cardio Vascular, & meal plan) tailored to your individual goals/needs (I.E. strength, weight loss, endurance, etc...)

  • Weekly Check-ins with progress picture (front, side and back)

  • Re-evaluations based on progress / changes

  • Unlimited email communication

Contest Prep (12 Week): $450

  • A fully comprehensive, customized workout & nutrition plan (including supplementation) designed specifically for the individual.

  • Includes weekly mandatory email check-ins, which require pictures displaying front, side, and back of physique in posing suit.

  • Detailed Peak Week plan

  • Detailed Day of Show plan

  • Unlimited communication through email & text messages



To get started fill out the form below!!!

Once I have received the form, instructions and the link for payment will be emailed to to you.

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